Furnish your Dungeons in style with our Camp Fires, Barrels, Sacks and other 28mm scale Resin Cast sets


We will bring you a range of 3D resin cast dungeon RPG accessories to help bring your dungeons to life. Above are two examples of our 'camp fire' painted for above and below ground adventuring. This model is 28mm scale, and comes unpainted in grey resin. The picture below shows the fire and a barrel from the same series along side an old Citadel 25mm scale RuneQuest fighter.




Our range of Barrels will contain a large selection of items including both opened and closed barrels, damaged barrels (some with their contents spilling out) and racks to hold a number of barrels for 'beer cellar' or Tavern brawls. We will have several sizes and styles so that your dungeons don't have that same old monotonous feel every game.

We will bring you some painted examples soon, just so that you can see what the range will look like when painted, but in the mean time, here are a few of the barrels still on the sprue. Note that each one is subtly different.
